
Ca fait un moment que je pense qu’on nous prends completement pour des cons en ce qui concerne le conflit en Syrie, je crois voir que petit a petit la reaction des gens change et qu’on boit de moins en moins facilement la soupe de desinformation qu’on trouve dans les grands medias francais y compris France Culture qui a perdu beaucoup de credit a mes yeux avec la couverture sur cette guerre, seul les Enjeux Internationnaux apportent une petite voix discordante dans le tableau.

Toujours est-il que la situation apres s’etre legerement amelioree en 2014 se deteriore a nouveau, l’approche des negociations entre le US et l’Iran me semble expliquer l’empressement dont font preuve les commanditaires des organisations qui detruisent en ce moment methodiquement le pays a remporter aussi vite que possible des victoires décisives.

Je viens de lire cet article assez incroyable de CounterPunch, je vous recommande sa lecture (a moins que je vous ne soyez au bord du suicide).

Secret Intel Reports on Syria & Iraq Revealed




5 thoughts on “Counterpunch

  1. Je pense (cela commence mal, un non-lettré qui pense !)donc je pense qu’il n’y a pas meilleur situation actuellement, aussi cruelle soit-elle, que les conflits inter confessionnels qui explosent dans le monde musulman, cette malheureuse situation (d’affaiblissement interconfessionnel) est une bonne chose(SIC) concernant les prétentions territoriales de l’état hébreu…
    La chouette question du 30 Juin est…
    L’Iran restera-t-elle proche de la Chine, de la Russie?(et de la Syrie?)

  2. Moscow ready to supply weapons to Iraq to help fight ISIS

    “Moscow and Baghdad have been expanding military cooperation, President Vladimir Putin said, and Russia is ready to supply weapons to Iraq to aid the fight against Islamic State militants’ advance in the region, said Russia’s FM Sergey Lavrov.

    “We will make all efforts to meet [Iraq’s] possible requests, to ensure it has the defense capability and the ability to drive out of its territories Islamic State [formerly ISIS, or ISIL] and other terrorists,” Lavrov told reporters, speaking ahead of talks in Moscow between Putin and Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi on Thursday.

    “We have very close and tight military-technical cooperation [with Iraq],” he said.

    “Unlike some other countries, we are ready to supply weapons to Iraq without preconditions, based on the fact that Iraq, Syria and Egypt are on the forefront of the struggle against terrorism.”

    Iraq has been Russia’s longtime partner and over the past two years bilateral trade turnover has grown 10-fold, Putin said at the meeting with Iraq’s PM on Thursday.

    “Iraq has been our longtime and reliable partner in the region. Despite all the hardships in the world economy and difficulties in the region, our relations have been developing successfully,” Putin said.”

    VT by Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor on May 24, 2015

    Ps=qui explosent dans le monde Arabo-musulman…

  3. Andrew KORYBKO Mon, May 25, 2015

    The insurmountable obstacle between these two views of democratic security is Brussels and its American partner’s response to strong, determined, and pragmatic leaders. Instead of waiting for democracy to run its course, they actively try to sabotage the system by staging a Color Revolution. The most ironic thing about this whole dichotomy is that the West partakes in anti-democratic measures ostensibly to ‘protect democracy’, yet it accuses Russia of ‘supporting despots’ whenever Moscow voices support for legitimate governments like Syria’s, for example. The core of the contradiction between the EU and Russia can actually be traced down to the emergence of independent leaders in the first place, as this is what upsets the West to the point that they try to deploy a Color Revolution against the targeted government.

    First things first, such individuals are elected by their people in free, fair, and internationally recognized elections, meaning that it’s the people themselves who are responsible for placing their leaders into power. It may possibly be the case that the Prime Minister or President in question hadn’t focused much on foreign policy during the electoral season, thereby signifying that they reached a certain understanding of international affairs (or publicly began expressing their existing standpoint) only after they entered office, but even in this case, the country’s leader is still the legitimate representative of his country’s interests abroad

    L’EI a encore progressé sur la route Tadmor-Damas et s’est emparé des mines de phosphate de Khnaifess et d’habitations proches, a poursuivi l’OSDH.

    Avec la suspension des exportations de pétrole, les phosphates représentaient l’une des dernières sources de revenus de l’Etat, assure l’hebdomadaire économique en ligne Syria Report. (source romandie)

    enfin une bonne nouvel pour les usa !!!

  4. Le Kazakhstan sera certainement le prochain pays dans la tourmente vu le cheval de Troie des Us en zone eurasiatique… Comment réagira la Russie ?
    Comment les médias vont ils si prendre pour nous vendre une prochaine et future révolution “orange” ???

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